2007 - Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu 383, Seria
Ogrodnictwo 41: 383-388Ireneusz Sosna, Marta Czaplicka
Ocena wartości produkcyjnej
kilku nowych odmian gruszy
na dwóch podkładkach
Z Katedry Ogrodnictwa
Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu
Abstract. Irrespective of cultivars, trees on Caucasian pear seedlings were characterized by
a stronger growth in comparison to trees on quince S1. Up to the fifth year after planting, the most productive were ‘Erika’ and ‘Amfora’ cvs.
Key words:
pear, quince S1, Caucasian pear seedling, cultivar, growth, yield
Estimation of productive value of several new pear cultivars on two rootstocks
The experiment was established at the Fruit Experimental Station – Samotwór near Wrocław in spring 2002. The trees of ‘Carola’, ‘Dicolor’, ‘Erika’, ‘Amfora’, ‘Concorde’ and ‘Radana’ pear cvs. budded on quince S1 and Caucasian pear seedlings were planted at a spacing of 3.5 × 1.5 m (1905 trees per hectare).
‘Dicolor’ and ‘Radana’ were the most vigorous, whereas ‘Amfora’ trees grew clearly the weakest. Irrespective of cultivars, trees on Caucasian pear seedlings were characterized by stronger growth (TCSA, canopy volume, number and length of one-year shoots) in comparison to trees on dwarf rootstock quince S1. Up to the fifth year after planting, the most productive were ‘Erika’ and ‘Amfora’ cvs. Pear trees on quince S1 had significantly higher crop efficiency index. ‘Radana’, in spite of high vegetative growth and rather small fruit, should be interesting market supplement for the reason of early maturing time and intensive red blush. Worth noting is ‘Amfora’ cv., with weak growth, high yields and fruit more than 200 g.